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Fórum de Poker TwoPlusTwo atacado por hacker

TwoPlusTwo offline!

No passado dia 26 de Abril o fórum de poker 2+2 foi vítima de um ataque de segurança que compromete e a informação pessoal dos seus membros. E desde então o fórum encontra-se offline, a administração do 2+2 enviou o seguinte email a todos os seus membros a aconselhar que alterem as suas passwords:

"Dear Two Plus Two Members,

On April 26th at approximately 11:20 AM pacific time, the Two Plus Two Forums were closed as a result of a hacker who has displayed the ability to access e-mail addresses and encrypted passwords. He also indicated the ability to decrypt passwords.

While it is unclear the extent of data to which he gained access, e-mail addresses and passwords on the Two Plus Two forums should be considered compromised. If you have used your 2+2 password on any other site, you are advised to change it.

For your security, we are closing the forums until the breach is patched. Upon reopening the forums you will be forced to change your password – it is counterproductive to do so now.

We hope to be back up as soon as possible.


Two Plus Two Interactive"



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